Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Top 5 Amazing Facts

Dear Friends,

Here are the top 5 amazing facts:

1. Mosquitos are attracted more towards blue color.

2. Atacama desert in Chile is known to be the driest place on the earth.

3. Americans eat 100 acres of pizza every day.

4. There are 200 million insects against 1 human

5. The blue whale tongue weight is equal to an adult Elephant.

Hope you have enjoyed reading these amazing facts.

Happy Reading.

Amazing Facts About Big Companies In India

Dear Friends,

We generally thought that Big companies or MNCs are working similarly in all the countries or we think that they have global policies applicable to all countries, but it is not like that, here are some amazing facts about the big companies in India:

1. Big MNC companies have no similar policies for the top executives of India as compared to other developed countries, even in some companies, Indian top executives are not allowed to travel on business class, they can only travel in economy class.

2. Top strategist or strategy makers only think about the strategies which can secure their jobs, means they only think about the strategies, "How to save my job?". It seems funny, but this is the truth.

3. Indian managers never promote their subordinates, if they are not promoted.

4. No Hard workers and only true followers are not required in top companies, that's why mostly diploma holders are employed by the top MNCs because domestic companies cannot match the salaries they can get in an MNC and that's the strategy.

5. Your job is not guaranteed, even if you have spent so many years, these companies can fire you after giving 15 to 20 years also.

The above-mentioned points may or may not be true for all the big companies, it is just an assumption based on the writer's own views. Please give your comments, so that we can aware more about these so-called big MNCs.

Happy Reading.

Top 5 Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Dear Friends,

I will tell you about top 5 amazing facts which may blow your mind.

Here they are:

1. The statue of liberty is so tall that even it's index finger is 8 feet long.

2. The word "Sat" has the most number of definition in English, it has 464 definitions.

3. The octopus has 3 hearts, 9 brains, and blue blood.

4. A traffic jam in China lasts for 10 days, with cars only moving half a mile in a day.

5. Tiger baby shark cannibalizes each other in their mother's womb.

Hope you enjoyed reading these amazing facts.

Happy Reading. 

Top 5 Amazing Facts About India

Dear Friends,

Today I will tell you, top 5 amazing facts about India.

Here they are:

1. Highest combat place on earth is in India, which is called Siachin, this place is 5700 meters above sea level.

2. After America, India is the 2nd country where more than 125 million people can speak and understand English.

3. It is believed that 11% of total gold on earth is with Indian women.

4. The longest sandstone cave is in India, which is approximately 24000 meters long. It is in the state called Meghalaya

5. There is one place at Laddakh which is known as magnetic hills, here hills have a magnetic effect which can be experience clearly by the visitors.

Hope you enjoyed, reading amazing facts about India.

Happy Reading.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Amazing Facts About Cholesterol

Dear Friends,

In present time everybody knows about body cholesterol, after the age of 35 years, you often listen about high cholesterol levels, doctors often said that you are suffering from a high cholesterol.

But do you know the real facts about cholesterol? Yes, we all do not know that cholesterol is very much necessary for any living being for their survival.

Today pharma industry become one of the largest industries in the world. It is also known as no bargain industry because people never bargain about the medicine prices with a doctor or with the pharmacist and that's why this industry has grown in many folds in just a few years.

With this immense growth of this industry, it spread a kind of greed among the business holders, these big businesses spread wrong information about the cholesterol, blood pressure etc. in the market through so-called health organizations and print or film media.

I am not saying that all the things are false but some things are extrapolated and real facts are hidden from the general public.

Cholesterol is very much necessary for maintaining hormonal balance in your body. If we can't maintain the required cholesterol levels in our body then it may results in the hormonal imbalance in our body, which result in so many diseases like reduction in testosterone levels, increases in estrogen levels, which give birth to many sex related problems like erection dysfunction, less interest in sex, low libido, etc.

For maintaining required cholesterol level, one should add virgin coconut oil (2-3 tablespoon daily) and boiled eggs in their daily diet. One thing I want to mention here is that physical exercise in any form for at least 30 minutes is very much necessary for a healthy life, without which no medicine or remedy can do any good to your body.

Again to all of my readers, I want to mention that I am not a doctor or dietician, above mentioned facts are taken from various online articles, youtube videos, and online magazines. Please take advice from your family doctor before taking any mentioned remedy.

Thank You.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Amazing Facts About Making or Breaking a Habit

Dear Friends,

Many people believe that it takes only 21 days in making or breaking a habit.

But in reality, it is the number of repetition of the same activity which can turn it into a habit. Some research shows that it takes 10000 number of repetition to make any activity a habit.

While to break any habit it takes around 12 months, yes it is the truth, breaking a habit takes more time.

Well, different researchers have a different opinion but in reality, it is you who can tell how much time it takes to make any activity a habit.

Thank You.