Thursday 8 October 2015

Your Mind Is A Big Store

Dear Friends,

Many of you believe that you have not a sharp memory or a healthy mind but believe me if you are a healthy person without any type of health issues then you have a similar mind like anybody else. The thing is how much you are using it.

Your mind is like a big store when you were a child your store was empty so there was a lot of much space to store the things but as you grow older you stuffed it with lot many garbage and now the good to remember things are under a big heap of garbage.

Your mind works on LIFO (Last In First Out), means whatever you read that thing is on the top of everything and you can recall it within few seconds but when some days are passed it got stuck under a pile of so many other things and when you want to recall it then you found difficult to recall and you thought that you have forgotten the thing but believe it or not your mind never forget anything, it is just the matter of priority.

To prioritize anything in your memory you should read the necessary thing or your subject stuff from the best book which you believe is the best. Don't make so many books as your textbook for one subject. For the first time just read the book and don't try to remember everything just read it as it is, but yes draw the diagrams which are in between the theory with your hands. When you read your book for so many times when you found that now the book takes much lesser time to complete and at one stage you found that now there is no need to carry the book for all the chapters. As now you have memorized the whole book.

How it happens? When you read anything it goes into the cache memory of your mind and when you read the same thing again and again then mind mark it as important and permanently store it in your mind.

This is my own view and not having any scientific background.

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